Sorry i haven't blogged in a few weeks. I have just been busy and i just haven't felt like blogging. I haven't painted my nails much lately either but even when i did i didn't even photograph them! Not sure what was going on with myself but i just didn't have any motivation! Winter is a big draw back for me full stop in no matter what i do i just have no motivation in winter! But now it's heading to warmer weather and longer days i am hoping i can get out of that and get more motivated to do.... well just anything really!
Anyway, Today i am wearing a franken i made probably about a month ago! I know, that's how slack i have been, waiting until now!
This is called "lollyshop" I get the weirdest names in my head! So this stuck! haha. This is a deep Raspberry with silver holo glitter!
I'm not sure on exact quantities on this but i had about 3/4 of a bottle of Ulta3 Pink Colada, poured a little bit of Ulta3 Party Shoes in to tone it down a bit and then added clear almost to the top. Then i got a bit carried away with sparkles and added way too much Silver Holo Glitter (from Coastal Scents). I put so much in that this was a one coater and a top coat eater uperer! Despite the bumpiness, I don't actually mind how it came out so i'm not going to say that this was a fail. I think next time less Holo Glitter and probably more Clear? Does anyone think that would work? Last photo blurred to show a bit of Holo. No sun AT ALL today so was hard to get!

Also, on a side note. I'm heading to Canberra for a few days over the weekend (along with going to bathurst to see the V8's on Sunday!) so i will have one or two days of shopping in Canberra while i'm there. Does anyone know of anywhere good to shop? I will be on the hunt for nail polish obviously and want to bring some goodies back!
Bye for now.
Kelz xo